The Self Care Model- Time Management

Does your head ever hit the pillow and you think to yourself, “I got nothing done today.” Yep, I've been there and I hate that feeling!
Do we have to be doing something at every minute of the day to feel productive and accomplished? Absolutely not! One of the best parts of managing our time is adding in the “fun stuff”. Golfing, gardening, playing ball with our puppies, sunbathing, rollerblading, bike riding and boating are the top summer activities that pop into my head.
Managing our time wisely allows us to track the list of have-to’s and
Example: writing this’s a beautiful day in June.. The sun is shining, the temp is 75 with 2 mph wind. I have allowed myself the adequate time it will take to share my thoughts and opinions with you about time management, then, I am off to the golf course with my husband to attempt to manage paring at least one hole! Am I a lousy golfer, you bet I am! Does that make it any less fun, no way! Sometimes, on the contrary-no pressure and it allows both of us to laugh and poke a little fun my way.
A few tips to begin managing your time today!
Set your alarm. Get up early and allow a few extra minutes in the morning to plan your day and prepare your thoughts about work and family to make it a great day. We decide what type of day we will have regardless of circumstances.
Be selfish. Take the time each day to practice self-care.
Talk to your family
Meal prep
Eat well
Make decisions strongly. Make a plan and stick to it. You will never accomplish your goals if you keep giving up.
Minimize disruptions. Try not looking at your phone every time it dings. Whatever the message, it can usually wait a bit. You will respond to it when you are finished with the task at hand.
Use a calendar. Write it down and DO IT! Cross it off and breathe.
Move on to the next task.
Set a timer. You want to read for 10 minutes but find yourself still engrossed in the latest Nicholas Sparks book after an hour with your second cup of coffee, still in your pajamas? Use your phone and set the timer for 10, 20 or 30 minutes and put the book down when the timer alerts you. Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t read again later, it simply means that you did exactly what you said you were going to do when you said you would.
Delegate jobs to others.
Hire a housekeeper
Have someone mow your lawn and keep up the yard
Hire the teenage neighbor to watch your little ones so you can make a trip to the grocery store alone and actually get everything on your list!
We work hard and we get to decide what we do with our money. Our time is precious and we get to choose how we spend it. Delegating tasks to capable people allows us to spend our precious time taking care of ourselves.
At the end of the day, we want to say, “Today was a good day.”
Until next time, take care!